Fallout 4 Kill Lorenzo Or Not

For the owner of the Friendly Lending Company, see Lorenzo Giovanni.
  • How to get Lorenzo's Artifact Gun in Fallout 4. Both alternate endings with a secret weapon reward after finishing the Secret of Cabot House Quest in FALLOUT.
  • So, with full spoiler warning in place, here’s all the info to help you decide whether to kill or free Lorenzo in The Cabot House mission of Fallout 4. After storming the Parsons State Insane Asylum, killing dozens of Raiders and reaching the basement, the player will be face-to-face with Lorenzo Cabot.

For Fallout 4 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Kill Lorenzo or set him free?'

Fallout 4 Kill Lorenzo Or Not
Biography and appearance
RaceHuman, Asian
Hair StyleDefaultHair ColorBlack
Eye ColorGray
AffiliationBrotherhood of Steel (Mojave chapter)
RoleSoldier, repairman
RankSenior Knight
LocationHidden Valley bunker, Hidden Valley Bunker, L2
Dialogue FileLorenzo's dialogue
QuestsStill in the Dark
ED-E My Love
assistanceHelps Friends and Allies
SPECIALStrength: 8
Perception: 7
Endurance: 8
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 3
Agility: 6
Luck: 4
Derived StatsHit Points: 135
Critical chance: 4
Melee damage: 4
Unarmed damage: 1.5
Fatigue: 320
Poison resistance: 35
Radiation resistance: 14
Tag SkillsBrotherhood Soldier
Energy Weapons: 69
Explosives: 69
Guns: 67
Editor IDHVKnightEDE
Base ID000a41a3Ref ID000a41db
Editor FactionsBrotherhoodSteelFaction
— Lorenzo on the deteriorating condition of Hidden Valley's air filtration systems
Fallout 4 kill lorenzo or not guilty

Senior Knight Lorenzo is the head of the Mojave chapter's maintenance and manufacturing department in Hidden Valley in Fallout: New Vegas.

  • 2Interactions with the player character


Working in the bunker's lower levels, Lorenzo is a remarkably polite person who carries the burden of caring for the facility's stockpiles of technology. He feels responsible for the well being of everyone, in particular those who retrieve parts and supplies for vital projects. He has recently realized that the bunker's air filtration systems are deteriorating and reported that fact to ElderMcNamara. The Elder sent out three squads of Paladins to recover parts needed to fix the system, but all three failed to returned and are presumed dead. The fact weighs heavily on Lorenzo's mind and he does not want further deaths on his account.[1][2][3][4][5][6]In his spare time, he researches Poseidon Oil and its ties to pre-War advanced weapon programs.[7][8] He is also a staunch supporter of Elder McNamara, believing that Hardin is not half the leader McNamara is.[9]


Interactions with the player character

Interactions overview

This character is involved in quests.


Fallout 4 Kill Lorenzo Or Not True

  • Still in the Dark: Lorenzo provides the locations where spare parts for the filtration systems can be found: 6 HEPA 20 Cartridge Filters, a reverse pulse cleaner, and a differential pressure controller.
    • Replacing Elder McNamara with Edgar Hardin will break the quest as while the player can return parts to Lorenzo (or get the starter dialog from him), McNamara will not have any dialogue options to complete the quest.
  • ED-E My Love: Talking to Lorenzo and getting him to mention Poseidon Energy will unlock another log.


ApparelRecon armor
WeaponLaser RCW or
Laser pistol or
Zap glove
Carried itemsPotato Crisps
Drops on deathempty

Notable quotes

Fallout 4 Kill Lorenzo Or Not

  • 'You're the one with that robot, I was hoping you'd bring him my way. Pretty impressive piece of hardware. I can't say that I've seen anything quite like him before.'
  • 'Hmmm? Oh, you must be the outsider everyone's buzzing about. Pleased to meet you. I'm Lorenzo, Senior Knight and general handyman around here.'
  • 'Hey, good to see you again. Have you thought any more about letting me take a look at the logs on your robot?'
  • 'Good to see you! Alive, that is. Have you found all of the components yet?'
  • 'Uh... Hello? Hi. Are you there? Oh, right. You can't respond.Listen, I'm using your robot as a relay to get this message to you. I've picked up some unusual chatter regarding your robot. It seems that it has some information that we could use. Oh wait, where are my manners? This is Lorenzo, a Knight with the Brotherhood of Steel. We'd be very interested in examining your tech. Could you bring your robot to one of our patrols so they can examine it? I'll have the robot mark the location on your map.'
Fallout 4 kill lorenzo or not
  • 'Uh... Hello? Hi. Are you there? Oh, right. You can't respond.Listen, I'm using your robot as a relay to get this message to you. I've picked up some unusual chatter regarding your robot. It seems that it has some information that we could use. Oh wait, where are my manners? This is Lorenzo, a Knight with the Brotherhood of Steel. We'd be very interested in examining your tech. Whenever you get a chance, can you bring your robot back to Hidden Valley so I can take a look at it?'


  • If Still in the Dark is active, Lorenzo may be temporarily disabled once ED-E My Love's message to bring him to Hidden Valley starts. Telling ED-E to return to Primm or reactivating Lorenzo through console fixes this.


Lorenzo appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. The Courier: 'The Elder wants me to retrieve components to help fix the air filtration system.'
    Lorenzo: 'So now I'm going to have your death on my conscience, too. Great.'
    (Lorenzo's dialogue)
  2. The Courier: 'So you and the McNamara both know about this?'
    Lorenzo: ' He told me he'd take action right away, and sent out several patrols to search for parts.'
    (Lorenzo's dialogue)
  3. The Courier: 'Er, what?'
    Lorenzo: ' I was the one who supplied the Elder with the location of possible sites where we could find the components, so their deaths are my fault. '
    (Lorenzo's dialogue)
  4. The Courier: 'Maybe you misheard me.'
    Lorenzo: 'No, I heard you quite clearly. You're being sent off to be killed like the others.'
    (Lorenzo's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: 'Not all of them.'
    Lorenzo: 'It's amazing that you've found any of them and not gotten gruesomely mangled. Keep up the good work!'
    (Lorenzo's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: 'They're all right here.'
    Lorenzo: ' Why don't you go tell the Elder the good news. I'm sure it'll be a huge load off of his shoulders.'
    (Lorenzo's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: 'I've heard some information from its logs, sounds like it is carrying some Enclave data.'
    Lorenzo: 'Really? What kind of logs? What kind of data does he have on it?'
    The Courier: 'The logs spoke about Enclave Duraframe research and Poseidon Energy research.'
    Lorenzo: ' Do you think you could leave your robot with me for a few days? I have some materials that I can use to upgrade his armor while he's here.'
    (Lorenzo's dialogue)
  8. Terminal: 'Journal Entry 745'
  9. The Courier: 'Vote for Hardin when he calls a tribunal.'
    Lorenzo: 'Fine, but you're making a big mistake. Hardin isn't half the leader that McNamara is.'
    (Lorenzo's dialogue)
LocationsHidden Valley ·Hidden Valley bunker ·Scorpion gulch
CharactersNamed charactersElder McNamara · Head Paladin Hardin · Head Scribe Taggart · Senior Paladin Ramos · Senior Knight Lorenzo · Senior Scribe Schuler · Knight Torres · Scribe Ibsen · Apprentice Watkins · Initiate StantonRanger Dobson
Generic charactersPaladin ·Knight ·Scribe ·Initiate ·
QuestsMainFor the Republic, Part 2 ·Wild Card: Side Bets ·Render Unto Caesar ·The House Always Wins
SideStill in the Dark ·Tend to Your Business ·Eyesight to the Blind ·ED-E My Love ·I Could Make You Care
UnmarkedHidden Valley computer virus ·Missing Laser Pistol ·Brotherhood Bond
RelatedHidden Valley bunker terminals ·Candle fusion power system ·Dervish camouflage system

Fallout 4 Kill Lorenzo Or Not Guilty

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